Martinique에서 돌아 온 다음날에 아침 일찍부터 밤까지 당일치기 강릉행을 강행하다보니, 느긋하게 생각할 기회가 없었고 제대로 요트 선주들에게 연락을 하지 못했다.
그런데 토요일 새벽 일찍 두번째 선주로부터 다른 사람이 배를 보러 오려고 한다며 내 뜻을 타진해왔다.
그래서 아침 일찍 이미 정리되었던 생각을 아래의 1)과 2) 메쎄지로 각각 정리하고 보냈다.
1) 첫 배 선주에게 보낸 메쎄지:
hello, Karsten.
how are you guys doing?
i was very happy to see your boat as well as your family.
after i saw your boat i saw another boat the next day in le marin as i said.
i really liked your boat which had great design, saftey features, inside woods and cockpit.
but i wish it had more update equipments.
so i liked your boat, but definately i wantes some more.
but, the second boat i saw had everything i wanted (at a much higher price tag) even though it was not as safe a boat as yours.
so, i am sorry to say that i have decided to purchase the other boat not yours.
i wish you the best in selling your boat and your travel to South America in the near future.
yillbyung lee
2) 두번째 (사진의 배) 선주에게 보낸 메쎄지:
yes, i am back thank you.
i was trying to summarize my position.
i went to Martinique to take a look at two boats as I mentioned.
first boat i saw on 22nd and the second, yours, on the 23rd.
i was a little disappointed at the first boat even though it was my boat of choice.
then i saw your boat which was very appealing to me.
so, as i said i like your boat very much.
but, your boat is a little out of range than i plan to spend and i have to finance myself to afford it.
and even though it is reasonably priced in my ppinion i will be happy with some discount.
your price is $162,000?
i think it is definately worth the price ad i haven seen, but i will be very happy with a price of $150,000.
(under the condition that you gave word that the boat was not in an accident to its hull.)
i am pretty sure i can finance that amount and pay you by late april when you are traveling to Martinique.
if there is some people who are willing to pay some more that i cannot do anything.
i was going to think some detailed method of making contract and making deposit in case you think it needed.
but i do not have a good idea right now.
please let me know if you have some idea when people makes this kind of personal deal.
well, this is my position.
hope you accept my counter offer of $150,000 for your boat that i really like and can pay by late April when you visit Martinique.
yillbyung lee
seoul, korea
3) 양평에 가서 크루징에 대한 내 생각/계획과 마르티닠에서의 본 배들과 돈보내는 방법등을 의논했다.
ㅂㅈ: 러시아인과 (현금)거래하지 마라.
(슬로베니아에 있는 러시아인 Vision 50 지불 형태와 관련)
ㅌㅇ: 타이틀을 공기관에 확인하라, 필요하면 스위스에 있는 동기에게 부탁할 것.
ㅌㅇ/ㅂㅈ: 돈보내는 건 L/C를 개설하라. 개인도 가능.
ㅌㅇ/ㅂㅈ: 크루징 생각과 계획은 젊음이다.
ㅂㅈ: 유튜브는 사생활 파괴, 정리하고 벌리지 마라.
3/4 업데이트:
이메일이 온 후, 가격 제안이 오갔고, 최종 내가 카운터오퍼한 가격에 일부 선상에 있는 물품 (sup board 2, 전기스쿠터 2, 작은 워터메이커 등)을 양자 합의하여 제외하기로 함).
쎄일드라이브는 기술자를 시켜 수리완료하기로 하다.
계약서 쓰고, 계약금 넣고, 4월 24일 (중순에서 말 사이) 현장에서 최종 잔금치루기로 하다.
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