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2020. 1. 27: OCC

cool2848 2020. 1. 27. 17:42

OCC (Ocean Cruising Club) homepage: 



Membership Types

Off to new Horizons
The Ocean Cruising Club has two types of membership:

Full Membership - A Full Member of the OCC must have completed a non-stop ocean passage between two ports, where the distance between the ports is not less than 1,000 nautical miles measured by the shortest practical Great Circle route, as skipper or member of the crew in a vessel of not more than 70ft (21.3 m) LOA.

Associate Membership An Associate Member must have made a clear commitment to achieve the qualifying passage in a realistic and reasonable time-scale. The time allowed is at the discretion of the General Committee and shall take account of all the circumstances of each individual applicant, but it shall not normally exceed three years.

Further details of Membership Categories, Qualifications required and latest Subscription Rates are contained in this document.

Benefits of Membership

Journal, Newsletter, Membership Handbook
Below: Oliver - Port Officer Fuerteventura
Fellowship - The OCC is a world-wide club for blue water sailors. It has no premises and members regard the seas and harbours of the world as their clubhouse. Members proudly fly a distinctive blue and gold burgee with a flying fish on it. Make yourself known by flying the burgee and you'll be sure of a warm welcome, hospitality, fellowship, and assistance if you need it.

Events & Port Officer Network - The OCC has a vibrant programme of shore and afloat events, including rallies and cruises in company, organised by the various Regional and Roving Rear Commodores.. The OCC also has more than 200 Port Officers worldwide who have a detailed knowledge of their area and are prepared to help visiting members in whatever way they can: locating spare parts or services, receiving mail, coping with local formalities or organising informal get-togethers.

Mentoring and Youth Sponsorship Programmea - The Ocean Cruising Club offers a one-on-one Mentoring programme to Full and Associate Members to assist members seeking advice on ocean passages, adventuring in distant waters, and coastal cruising to unfamiliar areas.The Youth Sponsorship Programme enables young people between the ages of 18 and 25 to gain experience as crew membera on long distance sailing passages.The sponsorship contributes 2/3 of travel and other costs of the voyage.

Publications and Digital Media - The Ocean Cruising Club is committed to sharing information between its members and the wider cruising community. Accounts of members' voyages, experiences and adventures are published twice a year in Flying Fish, the journal of the Ocean Cruising Club. The quarterly Newsletter carries news from around the world, the eBulletin updates members via a monthly email, whilst the website contains a wealth of information especially in the Cruising Forums. The Members Handbook provides information about members, their vessels, and Port Officers, while the OCC Fleet Map shows where are members are cruising at any given time. The very active Facebook page keeps members connected on a daily basis.

Membership privileges in other clubs - Many yacht clubs will give OCC members visiting yachtsmen's membership privileges. Show your membership card and you are likely to be well received far and wide.

Joining the OCC

Join and fly the world renowned burgee
You may apply to join the OCC using the online application form on this website. The form is fully interactive and provides appropriate guidance at every stage including what category of membership and subscription rates you are eligible for. However, if you have any questions on joining please do not hesitate to get in touch with us at newmembers@oceancruisingclub.org and we will endeavour to help you.