색소폰 연주

2018. 12. 28: PSBE#1, Play Saxophone By Ear

cool2848 2018. 12. 28. 10:53

Selmer Mark 6에 대한 가장 통합적이고 합리적인 얘기를 "What is the best saxophone?"이라는 제목의 YouTube 영상을 보다가 마지막에 저자가 "연습하라"는 얘기로 내용을 정리했고, 관심있으면 연락처를 보내라고 해서 보낸 후 받은 첫 이메일이다.



Hey YB,

Welcome to Play Sax by Ear or "PSBE" for short.

I'm glad you're here.

Play Sax by Ear is a Free Crash Course Edition of my signature saxophone training called The Pentatonic Foundation. 

But for now, don't worry about The Pentatonic Foundation.

There is nothing for you to buy here.

Enjoy this Play Sax by Ear series and learn as much as you can from it.

Every email I send you that's part of this training will have a subject line prefixed with[PSBE], like this: [PSBE] Subject Line (Part X)

This way you'll instantly know it's associated with this training series.

When you see that email hit your inbox each day, open it and read it. 

You'll get one "bite sized" email from me each day for the next 7 days.

There will be a link to a private lesson and video in each email.

This is on purpose. I want you to be able to easily consume each lesson and have a day to think about and practice the material before the next lesson arrives.

Make sure you set aside time to take the short lesson and watch the video with your saxophone out while in your practice space each day.

I'm going to demonstrate to you a (very) different way to approach learning to improvise and playing the saxophone without the burden of sheet music.

In fact, this approach works so well, many of my students are totally floored by what they are able to do in a very short time. Things they never even thought they were capable of.

You too, can do this.

I'm going to show you how in this email training series.

So pay attention.

Because what I'll be exposing you to will TRANSFORM how you play the saxophone and think about music altogether.

But only if you actually do the things I tell you to do in the course. Simply reading my emails and watching the videos alone won't get you very far.

So when you are ready, get your horn out and make sure you have a good reed.

Click one of the links below to take the first lesson:

**Make sure you are in your practice space with your saxophone out before watching the video.

PSBE Part 2 is coming to your inbox tomorrow same time...

Your Saxophone Professor,

Jay Metcalf


This training PRESUMES you ALREADY know how to play the saxophone at least at a basic level. (can play most of the notes on the instrument)

If you're not there yet, then you're in the wrong place.

I have another email course geared towards total beginners. You can enroll in that by clicking below:

BetterSax Beginner Course

You'll be started off with a great fingering chart and then receive my best tips for all sax players over the course of a week.