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2011.11.21: 겨울항해 준비작업 #1-미국 US_CBP에 문의

cool2848 2011. 11. 21. 16:10

{ 이번 겨울에 미국에 가서 아나폴리스에 있는 내배를 캘리포니아주 샌디애고로 가져와서 거기서 1월중 정도에 배를 타고 하와이까지 오려고 한다.

현재 동료가 한명 있으며, 다른 구체적이 계획을 세우기 전에 벌써 했어야 하는 건데 이제서야 미국 Custons and Border Protection (CBP)에 내 배가 아나폴리스에서 샌디에고로 트럭으로 가는 것에 대해 문제 없는 지 여부를 문의했다.

답은 약 일주일 걸릴 것으로 예상된다.}

Dear Officer-in-Charge:
I am a South Korean national, with a passport number of ######. {attached file: 1)Passport}
I bought a sailing vessel named Cascade (1976 Allajuela38) on August 27th of 2010 with the initial intention of cruising/sailing her out of USA.
So, I applied and received a provisional  <Certificate of Vessel's Nationality (provisional)> from a Korean Consulate Office in NY on Nov 5th of 2010. {Attached file: 2)CertVesselKorea}
I then visited the CBP Office at New Haven, CT to file for <Informal Entry> and <Vessel Clearance Statement> on Nov. 10th of 2010. {attached file: 3)VesselEnteranceForm; 4)CrewList}
But before I sail and left US coast as planned, I got homesick and changed my mind to sell the s/v Cascade.
So, I sent an US postal mail stating my case and surrender the original <Vessel Clearance Statement> to the issueing New Haven CBP office dated on Dec 2nd of 2010. {attached file: 5)letter2CBP}
I returned to Korea, and the boat has been under the custody of a yacht broker <Martin Bird & Associates, Inc> of 326 1st St., Annapolis, MD (410-268-1086).
I know the broker's office reported to Maryland state the boat as sales item.
Now my boat is not sold yet, and while planning for a Winter trip to US to see my children who study in Boston and in NY, I am thinking of a possiblity of bringing the boat back part way to Korea if possible.
There are three options that I am thinking of now: (1) truck the boat to San Diego, California, and sail it to Hawaii and wait for the Sumer to cruise back to Korea; (2) sail or truck it to Florida and ship the boat by a yacht freighter to Korea; (3) continue trying to sell the boat in the US.
(1) Is s/v Cascade a foreign vessel, and the owner is free to move her on land or in sea?
The reason I ask this question is because it has been in US land for more than 1 years now since declared an informal entrance and not go out of US waters as initially intended.
May be some tax, procedure or penalty fee is applicable before I move the boat?
I want to know the status of the boat before I make a definite plan to move her.
(2) If I want to truck the boat, which I assume it to be a foreign vessel, to California or to Florida and sail her out to Hawaii or ship her by a yacht freighter ship to Korea respectively, do I or the trucking company need to report to every states that the truck passes because the freight is a foreign vessel?
(3) Is there something else that I might be aware of before I truck and sail her in US land or coast?
I hope I made clear of my situation and my plan.
Thank you very much for your time!
I am looking forward to hearing from you soon.
Yours sincerely,
on Nov. 21st, 2011.
***** Lee
email: &&&&&@hotmail.com
telephone: +#######
ROK passport: #######
Current Address: $$$$$$$$, Seoul, Korea (South)